Are you making the phone calls that will make a difference?

My phone rang on a Sunday morning.
I was sitting down to a delightful homemade brunch and, like many of you would do, I didn’t recognize the number so I sent the call to voicemail. After brunch, I checked the message:

“Hi Kristie, It’s Dr. King. I just wanted to let you know that I did get some reports of your mammogram and recent biopsy and just wanted to let you know I’m thinking of you. I know it’s hard waiting. Hopefully, they will send me the results as soon as you get them. We are thinking of you and will be in touch if there’s anything we can do to help out.”

I had an abnormal screening mammogram. I went back for a diagnostic mammogram. And when they didn’t like what they saw on both, that same afternoon I went in for two biopsies. So I was waiting for the results of the weekend.  I will remember that phone call forever.

“I just wanted you to know I was thinking of you.”

No Facebook. No emails. No card. A phone call.

In The 10 Golden Rules for Customer Service, Todd Duncan talks about the value of making personal phone calls. “No Facebook. No emails. No card in the mail. But instead a good, old-fashioned phone call… If you want your customers for life, you need to talk to them during their lives.”

Take a few minutes at the end of your workday to make just one call. It doesn’t need to be a long conversation and will often end up being a voicemail. Let a patient know you enjoyed seeing them and are grateful they are a part of your practice. Call them to say “Happy Birthday” or “Happy Anniversary”, even if they aren’t due to come into the office for another 3 months. What can be a quick checkmark on your to-do list that day could end up making a huge difference in your patient relationships for years to come.

Make the phone call that will make a difference.
Need more ideas? Let’s talk.