The most important thing, for me, in the entire episode is about 57 minutes in. Dr. Attia is brutally honest with Dr. Catena. As Peter watches the videos of Tom’s difficult but rewarding, work in Nuba, he says:
“The first thought that comes to my mind is NOT, I wish I were there…I would never want to give up my family, comfort, safety, etc.”
Dr. Catena’s response is absolutely brilliant:
“Everybody is geared a little bit differently, even people in the same family. My brothers could never be there (either), but I could never do what they are doing…The good thing is that I don’t attach a value to this. Everybody has something to contribute. My thing is being there in the (Nuba) mountains; it’s part of the puzzle…You’re doing a podcast; you’re helping us get the word out. We don’t have this if you’re in Sudan doing the same work I’m doing. Everybody has something to offer. And if we try to get into this thinking, like, gosh, I’m not doing what he’s doing, I should be doing what he’s doing, we miss out on our shared abilities.”
I often see people in their professional lives trying to become someone else. How often I hear people comparing what they do in their personal lives as well.
“Oh, I could never do that.”
“Wow, how does he get that all done?”
“She’s doing so much good work. I’m just not capable like that.”
My friends, no one is you, and that is your superpower. By focusing on your own unique strengths, you can become part of a greater puzzle that has no wrong pieces. This Thanksgiving season, be grateful for your talents, your blessings, your gifts, your abundance … and then figure out a way to go out and share it. |