Better marketing ROI is in your kitchen.

It’s that time of year.I’ve received almost 100 emails this week (and it is only Wednesday) promising ways to “maximize your practice growth in 2024.” No one, however, is talking about the one thing in your kitchen that can improve your marketing ROI every single month.

I’ve talked to many practice owners this month who are frustrated:

“My marketing dollar doesn’t go as far as it used to.”
“What used to attract new patients isn’t working anymore.”
“I’m getting the wrong new patients with my marketing.”
“The company I’m working with used to do a great job, but they don’t seem to understand my goals.”

The standard sales funnel comprises four main steps: awareness, interest, decision, and action. Potential patients first become aware of your practice. Next, they consider your services, often by researching and comparing options. Third, they call or click to schedule their appointment. And, finally, we (fingers crossed) hope they show up and follow your treatment recommendations.

The standard sales funnel also has thousands of people in the “awareness” phase that may only turn into several high-value patients. There are more effective paths than this.

I want funnels that look like this.

The conversion step, showing up and following your treatment recommendations, is in the middle. It is not the FINAL step. I want patients who are loyal and, most importantly, become ADVOCATES for you, your practice, and your team. The most effective marketing strategy is to build funnels like this. You might also notice that it doesn’t look like an inverted pyramid. We get many more people from the awareness phase, through the entire funnel, to ADVOCACY. Do I have your attention?

Do you have one of these in your kitchen?

This is how most dental practice funnels ACTUALLY look. There are holes at EVERY SINGLE STEP in the process, and almost nothing gets out of the bottom. You don’t have to spend more. You don’t have to fire your current agency. You don’t need to hire four more team members and build a call center.

All you need to do is learn YOUR FIRST FIVE MOVES.

One of the moves is how to change the colander to the advocacy funnel. It’s easier than you think.

The following two weeks will fly by, and before you know it, half of January will be gone, and your funnel will still look like the sieve above.

Don’t wait. Make 2024 the year you make smarter marketing decisions so that your funnel not only ATTRACTS but also generates patients who will be loyal advocates.

Register for our “MINDSHIFT” 75-minute course on Wednesday, January 3rd, here.

You’ll receive the tools you need to attract and retain high-value patients FOR FREE.

In this CMO virtual practice experience, we will explore how to lay the groundwork for the year ahead without heavy lifting, without gimmicks, and without stressing out your team. You’ll learn the five next moves you need to make to CONSISTENTLY IMPROVE your ROI from EVERY marketing dollar, not just in the next 12 months, but year over year into the future.

Attendance is Free – Register here TODAY!
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