The Wisdom of the Bullfrog

Have you seen a bullfrog?

Thirty-four years after he started BUD/S training, William H. McCraven was anointed as “The Bullfrog,” the longest-serving frogman and Navy Seal on active duty. You might recognize Gen. McCraven, USN, Ret. as the author of the New York Times best-seller, “Make Your Bed,” and you can watch the highlights here. He teaches, “If you want to change the world, start by making your bed,” because if you can’t do the little things right, you’ll never be able to do the big things right.

That’s excellent advice; this is even better.

My husband and I started listening to his recent book, “The Wisdom of the Bullfrog,” as we drove to see family this past holiday week. Note the subtitle. He says:

“Everything in leadership is simple. It’s just that the simplest things are difficult. It’s simple to say:

Be men and women of great integrity.
Lead from the front.
Take care of your troops.

But it is difficult to do. Why? Because we are humans. Each of us has our foibles, weaknesses, and shortfalls that can effect how we lead.

But, as difficult as leadership is, it is not complicated.”

As difficult as leadership is, it is not complicated.

As we enter this New Year, you have the opportunity to be a better leader – to lead your team, your family, your colleagues, your friends. Leadership is not reserved for those in the C-suite of Fortune 100 organizations. Some of the best leaders I know don’t have a title at all. It is not complicated. It’s simple.

Your practice success is precisely the same. It’s not complicated. It’s simple. And yet, most people are unwilling to do the simple things.  Some people just don’t make their bed.

Tonight at 5:30 pm EST, I’ll present a “MINDSHIFT” 75-minute course on the first five moves you can make in your practice for better patients, better team, and better practice. You can register here.

In this CMO virtual practice experience, we will explore how to lay the groundwork for the year ahead without heavy lifting, without gimmicks, and without stressing out your team. You’ll learn the five next SIMPLE moves you need to make to CONSISTENTLY IMPROVE your ROI from EVERY marketing dollar, not just in the next 12 months, but year over year into the future.

This will be a LIVE virtual experience and will not be recorded.

I hope to see you there!

Attendance is Free – Register here TODAY!
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